'Change password', 'chgPwdError' => 'Unable to change password', 'chgPwdSuccess' => 'Password was changed', 'chgPwdOldTitle' => 'Old password', 'chgPwdConfirmTitle' => 'New password', 'chgPwdNewTitle' => 'Confirm', 'faqLink' => 'https://rocketvpn.net/how-to-connect', 'loginPageTitle' => 'RocketVPN Network. Log in to system', 'loginTitle' => 'LOGIN FOR CUSTOMERS', 'emailPlaceholder' => 'Enter your e-Mail', 'passwordTitle' => 'Password', 'passwordPlaceholder' => 'Enter your password', 'regLink' => 'Registration', 'restorePass' => 'Forgot your password?', 'next' => 'next', 'emailEmptyError' => 'Error! The e-mail field can not be empty!', 'emailError' => 'Error! Incorrect e-mail address!', 'passwordError' => 'Error! Password field can not be empty!', 'loginError' => 'Error! Incorrect login or password!', 'capchaError' => 'To continue, you need to confirm that you are not a robot!', 'registerPageTitle' => 'RocketVPN Network. Registration', 'registerTitle' => 'Registration', 'emailExists' => 'Customer with this e-mail address is already registered.', 'registerError' => 'Registration is not possible at this time. Please try again later.', 'error' => 'Error', 'success' => 'Success', 'passwordMismatch' => 'Error Entered passwords is not match!', 'passwordAgainPlaceholder' => 'Repeat your password', 'passwordAgain' => 'Confirm:', 'logoImg' => 'images/en-logo.png', 'controlPanelTitle' => 'RocketVPN Network. Control panel', 'exit' => 'Log out', 'balanceTitle' => 'Balance', 'referalTitle' => 'Referral program', 'serviceTitle' => 'Services', 'financeTitle' => 'Finance', 'supportTitle' => 'Support', 'noService' => 'You do not have any connected services. To continue, select one of the tariffs.', 'availableService' => 'Your servces', 'continueTitle' => 'To continue, click on one of the services below', 'tarif' => '', 'activeTill' => 'Valid until', 'connections' => 'Connections', 'promo' => 'Promo code', 'activate' => 'Activate', 'bronzeTitle' => 'Bronze', 'month' => 'mon.', 'year' => 'year', 'bronzeDiscount' => 'No discount', 'bronzeDescription' => 'Try the quality and advantages of our service for 1 month.', 'silverTitle' => 'Silver', 'silverDiscount' => '45% off', 'silverDescription' => 'All your devices under the reliable protection of the encrypted VPN channel within 3 months.', 'goldTitle' => 'Gold', 'goldDiscount' => '60% off', 'goldDescription' => 'No matter where you are, all websites and services are available for you 24/7', 'platinumTitle' => 'Platinum', 'platinumDiscount' => '75% off', 'platinumDescription' => 'For only $2.49 per month, you get maximum open resources as well as secure access to the internet from anywhere in the world.', 'freedomInternet' => 'Freedom of Internet', 'copyright' => 'All rights reserved', 'highspeed' => 'High speed', 'protection' => 'Secure information', 'bandwidth' => 'Throughput', 'whatIsVpn' => 'What is VPN', 'choseCountry' => 'Select a country to connect', 'connectionDetail' => 'Connection details', 'serverAddress' => 'Address of VPN server', 'vpnLogin' => 'Username', 'vpnPassword' => 'Password', 'openvpnConfig' => 'Config file OpenVPN', 'usefulLinks' => 'Useful links', 'openvpnMac' => 'Download OpenVPN app Mac OS', 'openvpnWindows' => 'Download OpenVPN app for Windows', 'softetherConfig' => 'Config file for SoftEther', 'downloadSoftether' => 'Download SoftEther app for Windows, Linux, Mac OS', 'videoManual' => 'Video tutorial of connection setup', 'openVpnImg' => 'images/download-openvpn-en.jpg', 'softetherImg' => 'images/download-softether-en.jpg', 'videoLink' => 'https://www.youtube.com/embed/pvwMIu0H2Zk', 'activeHistory' => 'Connection history', 'connect' => 'Connect', 'disconnect' => 'Disconnect', 'serverCountry' => 'Server location', 'clientAddress' => 'Client address', 'financeHistory' => 'Billing history', 'date' => 'Date', 'amount' => 'Amount', 'type' => 'Type', 'description' => 'Description', 'pay' => 'Payment', 'withdraw' => 'Withdraw', 'cardPay' => 'Payment from card', 'closeTicketQuestion' => 'Do you really want to close the query?', 'youTickets' => 'Your tickets', 'ticketSubj' => 'Subject', 'noAnswers' => 'No answers', 'answered' => 'New message', 'closeTicket' => 'Close ticket', 'ticketClosed' => 'Ticket closed', 'noTickets' => 'You don\'t have tickets yet', 'tocketBody' => 'What happened?', 'send' => 'Submit', 'ticket' => 'Ticket', 'subject' => 'Subject', 'ticketOwner' => 'Author', 'you' => 'You', 'status' => 'Status', 'yourAnswer' => 'Your answered', 'orderVpn' => 'You are buying', 'cost' => 'Price', 'curency' => 'USD', 'period' => 'Duration', 'chosePayment' => 'Select payment method', 'tarif_1' => 'Bronze', 'tarif_2' => 'Silver', 'tarif_3' => 'Gold', 'tarif_4' => 'Platinum', 'tarif_5' => 'TRIAL 24 hours', 'afiliateTitle' => 'Referal program RocketVPN Network', 'inviteFriends' => 'Bring to us friends and get a stable profit from the services they acquire.', 'afiliateTerms' => 'Conditions are simple: bring the user from the link below, and you will receive', 'afiliateTerms_2' => 'from the amount of each purchase forever!', 'yourLink' => 'Your link', 'afiliateUsersCount' => 'Your users', 'successPayments' => 'Payments', 'afiliateAward' => 'Partner comission', 'afiliateError' => 'Error! Not enough funds', 'afiliateSuccess' => 'Success! Your request is recieved. After 2 business days you will get your funds.', 'withdraws' => 'Payouts', 'withdrawInProcess' => 'In progress', 'withdrawSuccess' => 'Paid', 'withdrawSum' => 'Amount', 'requestWithdraw' => 'Request withdraw', 'withdrawWalletTitle' => 'Your payment system', 'walletExample' => 'Example: PayPal payment@yourmail.com', 'save' => 'Save', 'confirmPageTitle' => 'RocketVPN. E-mail confirmation', 'resendEmail' => 'Resend a message', 'confirmTitle' => 'E-MAIL CONFIRMATION', 'confirmContinue' => 'To continue you need confirm your E-Mail.', 'toAddress' => 'To address', 'linkSend' => 'a link has been sent, by clicking on which, you activate your account.', 'repeatSend' => 'Re-sending confirmation letter after:', 'manualConfirm' => 'To verify your account manually, enter the code from the email', 'confirmDescr' => 'This page can be closed, after confirming the e-mail address you will be automatically redirected to your personal account', 'restorePageTitle' => 'RocketVPN. Password recovery.', 'restoreTitle' => 'PASSWORD RECOVERY', 'restoreEmailError' => 'Error! The specified E-Mail address is not registered on our system!', 'restoreEnterEmail' => 'Enter the e-mail address provided during registration', 'restore' => 'Restore', 'restorePassword' => 'Restore password', 'restoreEmailSent' => 'We sent to your e-mail further instructions on how to recover the password.', 'restorePasswordError' => 'Error! The passwords you entered does not match or the password field is blank!', 'enterNewPassword' => 'Enter your new password and confirm it', 'restoreSuccess' => 'Done! Your password has been successfully changed, now you can Login to control panel.', 'restoreError' => 'Error! An unexpected error occurred while recovering your password.', 'restoreEmailText' => '

You requested password recovery on www.RocketVPN.net.

If it was not you, just ignore this message.', 'restoreEmailSubject' => 'RocketVPN password recovery', 'confirmEmailText' => '

You was successfully registered on www.RocketVPN.net with e-mail ', 'confirmEmailText2' => '.
Confirm it and continue.

Or if it was not you, just ignore this message.', 'confirmCode' => 'Confirmation code', 'confirmEmail' => 'Confirm your e-mail', 'confirmEmailSubject' => 'E-mail confirmation', 'serviceAdded' => 'Thank you! The service has been activated.', 'authFailed' => 'Authorisation error', 'wrongPromo' => 'Invalid promo code!', 'usedPromo' => 'This code has been already used!', 'alreadyPromo' => 'You already have this service!', 'registerSubj' => 'Welcome to RocketVPN Net!', 'registerMailStart' => 'Hello!

Thank you for registering on the service. Now you can take full advantages of the free Internet!', 'youeLogin' => 'Your login', 'registerMailEnd' => 'To get started you should activate one of the tariffs:

Log in to your Control Panel: https://rocketvpn.net/controlPanel.php
Choose your subscription plan and pay.

To configure the connection settings, follow the instructions:

How to join to the system: https://rocketvpn.net/how-to-connect
Configuring VPN on any version of Windows through SoftEther: https://rocketvpn.net/connect-l2tp-softether
MacOS setup: https://rocketvpn.net/macos-l2tp-settings
iOS setup: https://rocketvpn.net/ios-settings
Android setup: https://rocketvpn.net/android-settings-openvpn

You can use online technical support on our website. We provide free assistance to set up the system. To be able for it, please write in the box in the lower right corner of the website, or send a message by e-mail.

Our website https://RocketVPN.net | Control Panel https://rocketvpn.net/controlPanel.php | Get support support@rocketvpn.net' ];
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file in /home/rocketvpn.net/web/classes/userClass.php on line 1014